Birth control has only been legal in the United State since 1965. That means, for the past 46 years women have been able to take the right preventative measures to ensure fun, hot sex without the looming thought of possible pregnancy (always a good thing).
A few days ago, a panel from the Institute of Medicine recommended that "the government require health insurance companies to cover birth control for women as preventive care, without copayments." In the past few months in our horrible political (GOP) climate, it has been incredibly difficult for women to receive proper preventative care. This is a big victory, but we're not there yet. It's now up to the Department of Human and Health Services to act upon the IOM's recommendation.
Please tell HHS you support making birth control available to millions of women without co-pays or other out-of-pocket costs.
Bottom line: birth control is basic health care.
I agree that birth control is basic health care. And you'd think that all those GOP fiscal conservatives would support it since will save money in the long run. But I keep reading of opposition. Now the Catholic Church is complaining their religious rights are being infringed even tho most Catholics use birth control just like everyone else. Someone proposed that if Catholic hospitals, etc. were allowed to not provide birth control, they should be forced to hand large banners over their front doors proclaiming "No Reproductive Health Services provided here."