Thursday, May 5, 2011

A scary realization: They're coming for Roe v. Wade

This video, which I could not embed or attach to this post, must first be watched before you continue any further.


The GOP, because of all of their uncanny and vicious attacks on women in the past few months, this video didn't shock me one bit. I'm not in the least bit surprised that Republicans want to completely dismantle Roe v. Wade, in fact - I even expected this. The right to a safe and legal abortion isn't one that is guaranteed. Women have been battling to keep the existence of Roe v. Wade since the Supreme Court declared that a right to privacy under the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution extends to a woman's decision to have an abortion.

What angers me about this attack on women (well, all of it angers me), is the fact the showcased in this video, and accurately so, are the voices of men speaking out against Roe. Excuse me, but I'm more than positive that this is a WOMEN'S ISSUE.



I am just sick and tired, sick and tired, SICK AND TIRED of men seizing control of women's bodies and women's access to health care. And you're right, men aren't the only ones attempting to take complete control over women's bodies - some women are just as guilty - and that just makes me sick and even more angry.

I simply do not understand their ignorance.